Occurrence dataset Registered June 25, 2020

    Fish species occurrences from selected near shore and riverine habitats in Lake Edward (2019)

    Musinguzi L • Nsega M • Nkalubo W • Nakiyende H

    Identification, characterisation and mapping of fish breeding areas on Lakes Edward and Albert

    The project was an investment of the Nile Basin Initiative (NBI), through the Nile Equatorial Lakes Subsidiary Action Program (NELSAP) on lakes Edward and Albert as a trans-boundary lake to tackle anthropogenic and environmental threats to fisheries. The objective of the project was to identify, characterize and map fish breeding areas on the lakes in order to guide their gazettement and protection for sustainable management of the trans-boundary fisheries resources.

    Study area

    Lake Edward (surface area 2,300 Km2; average depth 17 m; maximum depth 117 m) is one of the African Great Rift lakes. It is shared between the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) (71%) and Uganda (29%). The lake’s major inflows are the Rwindi, Rutshuru, Nyamugasani, Ishasha, Taliha and Lubiriha rivers. The lake is connected to Lake George by the 36 km long Kazinga Channel. Most of the lake is bordered by Queen Elizabeth National Park in Uganda and Virunga National Park in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). Lake Edward supports commercial fisheries in both DRC and Uganda.


    The aim of the project was to identify sites suitable for designation as fish breeding areas. A reconnaissance survey was undertaken to characterize habitats along the shorelines in the lake to identify potential sites. Selection of study sites was based on known habitat preferences for fish (e.g. sandy, muddy, vegetated, and rocky areas) and local knowledge of the riparian communities about habitat types of the lake. At the end, 6 sites were selected for the study. The sites were diverse with different physical characteristics. Lubiriha: Associated with Lubiriha river mouth with vegetation fringes of phragmites and sandy bottom 1. Kayanja: Sheltered bay (lagoon) with vossia, phragmites, and cyperus sp. The sediment was moderate muddy 2. Nyamugasani: At the river mouth of Nyamusagani river with sandy bottom 3. Ruhandagati (Mukiyinja): Open sandy shoreline. The shoreline is forested and rocky. Vegetation is dominated by ambauch trees. The bottom was rocky and sandy. 4. Katako: Sheltered bay with muddy bottom. The shoreline is forested by ambatch trees and woodland 5. Rwenshama: Associated with Ntungwe river mouth, Ishasha river mouth and Izibibi river mouth. The fringes are vegetated by papyrus and ambauch trees. The bottom is sandy. 6. Kisenyi: Associated with Nyamweru river mouth. The shoreline consists of fringes of woodland, papyrus, and ambatch. The bottom is sandy.


    The project was funded by the Nile Basin Initiative (NBI), through the Nile Equatorial Lakes Subsidiary Action Program (NELSAP)


    • Laban Musinguzi

      Administrative point of contact
      Administrative point of contact
    • Monic Nsega

      Administrative point of contact
      Administrative point of contact
    • Winnie Nkalubo

      Administrative point of contact
      Administrative point of contact
    • Herbert Nakiyende

      Administrative point of contact
      Administrative point of contact