Plants, algae, lichens, diatoms Global
- Taxonomic description
- All groups (except fungi)
- Geographic description
- Worldwide with emphasis on neotropics, North America, Pacific Islands, Philippines, and Indian subcontinent
- Temporal description
- No information
- Notes
- All requests should be sent to Please use this address for parcel and courier delivery: Smithsonian Institution, NMNH, MRC-166, Department of Botany, West Loading Dock, 10th & Constitution Avenue, NW, Washington, District of Columbia 20560, U.S.A. US fungi transferred to BPI. US has collections from U.S. South Pacific Exploring Expedition (1838-1842), U.S. North Pacific Exploring Expedition (1853-1856), LaPlata Expedition (1853-1856), Mexican Boundary Survey (1854-1855), California Geological Survey (1860-1867), International Boundary Commission: U.S. and Mexico (1892-1894), Colombia Cinchona missions (1940-1945), Bureau of Science (Philippines), Harriman Alaskan Expedition, and Regnell Expeditions (Brazil). 66% of the US National Herbarium collections have been digitized (roughly 2.5 million catalog records). 33% have been imaged as well as digitized.
- Code
- US
- Number of specimens in collection
- 5,100,000
- Homepage
- Incorporated collections
- Part of LCU (Cyperaceae)
- lichens of MO
- part of NTS
- types of USFS
- part of GMS (types and G. J. Hollenberg collections)
- part of Biltmore Herbarium
- Beaudette Foundation Marine Herbarium
- Mouillefarine Herbarium
- cryptogams of Goucher College
- USNC (28000 specimens)
Collection descriptors
Collection descriptors allows a collection to be described in more detail. This can be useful for collections that are not yet digitized or for collections that have specific characteristics that are not covered by the standard collection metadata.
- Country
- United States of America
- State/Province
- District of Columbia
- City/Town
- Washington
- Address
- 10th and Constitution, N.W.
- Mailing address
- Country
- United States of America
- State/Province
- District of Columbia
- City/Town
- Washington
- Postal/Zip Code
- 20013-7012
- Address
- P.O. Box 37012
Eric Schuettpelz
Curator of the Herbarium
- Code
- US
- Alternative codes
- BotanyCode migrated from iDigBio
- Identifiers
- UUIDurn:uuid:60e28f81-e634-4869-aa3e-732caed713c8
- Index Herbariorum
Entry created: March 31, 2020
Last modified: July 13, 2022
Modified by: ih-sync