
    Five projects chosen for funding from the 2023 Capacity Enhancement Support Programme

    Published 11/29/2023

    Collaborative projects across the network pursue capacity enhancement activities aligned with the priorities of the GBIF Work Programme

    Herd of red deer (<i>Cervus elaphus Linnaeus, 1758</i>) <a href="">observed</a> in Montaña Palentina, Spain by Irati Uriarte Gómez (<a href="">CC BY 4.0</a>)

    GBIF has awarded €83,000 in funding to five projects involving GBIF nodes and partner organizations in 14 countries from Europe, Central Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean through the latest installment of its Capacity Enhancement Support Programme (CESP).

    Drawn from a competitive field of applications responding to the 2023 CESP call for proposals, the selected project teams will conduct collaborative activities that address regional- and global-scale needs aligned with the priorities of the GBIF Work Programme 2023.

    Highlighted by a pair of projects aimed at supporting new participant nodes in Croatia and Uzbekistan, the range of training and knowledge-sharing topics encompassed in the five projects includes:

    • Nodes strategy and governance
    • Digitization and mobilization
    • Data organization, cleaning and formatting
    • Data publishing using the Integrated Publishing Toolkit (IPT)
    • Data standards

    2023 CESP-funded projects

    About the Community Enhancement Support Programme

    The CESP programme provides funding through annual calls for proposals to facilitate regional- and global-scale collaborations that address capacity needs specifically identified by GBIF Participants. During the past ten years, GBIF has awarded more than €720,000 to 53 capacity enhancement projects led by nodes from 31 countries that leveraged more than €1 million in additional co-funding.

    2022 CESP-funded projects

    Country or areaNorwayBelgiumUzbekistanTajikistanSlovakiaCroatiaFranceColombiaGuatemalaSpainEcuador
    AudienceData networkPublic stakeholdersDecision makers
    TopicCapacity enhancement