Second round of BID Caribbean funds 18 new projects
Published 9/28/2021
Projects teams with participation from institutions in 14 countries receives a combined total of €621,667—with €697,834 raised by projects in co-funding
Eighteen projects in the Caribbean have been selected by an expert panel to receive funding through the Biodiversity Information for Development (BID) programme.
Offering opportunities at varying scales, the call for proposals issued in September 2020 results in successful funding of one regional data mobilization grant, seven at national scale, seven at institutional scale and three data-use grants—all kicking off activities with a Data Mobilization workshop in August and running for periods of 12-24 months.
This call aims to build on the impact of the programme's first phase in the Caribbean, in which eight BID-funded projects engaged nine new data publishers to mobilize 81 biodiversity datasets containing more than 43 thousand occurrence records relevant to the regions’ priority policy needs. The programme's rigorous training and e-learning curricula have also helped improve biodiversity data skills and added dozens of Caribbean-based professionals to the GBIF community of practice in the wider Latin America and Caribbean region.
2021 BID Caribbean projects
This programme is funded by the European Union.