A capacity building session on biological collection data management for participating collections and other key collections in the country (in Spanish only)

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    Online workshop to strengthen the capacities of biological collections in data management and publication.

    The event is aimed at the collections with which we collaborate during the project Collections-based engagement of decision-makers to save globally threatened epiphytes in Colombia

    If you are interested you can write to us at anamaria.benavidesjbotanico.org.
    Ana Maria Benavides.

    In this workshop we will share the progress of the project and we will discuss some steps to follow, and we will present three main topics.

    Kevin Borja, IAvH, will introduce us to plant and entomology collections, publication and update processes from the IAvH, expanding use cases, in data paper, as well as processes for traceability of the impact of collections,

    Erika Salazar, IAvH, will share with us the experience of updating the importance of national registries,

    Leonardo Buitrago, GBIF, will present us how SIB and GBIF come together and the importance of democratizing biological registry data.

    Join via teams here

    Venue: Online via Teams
    Location: Medellin, Colombia
    Language: Spanish