
    BID Pacific Training Workshop and Regional Meeting

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    The BID Pacific training workshop aims to contribute to enhancing the capacity of the project teams to plan and implement biodiversity data digitization efforts effectively and according to GBIF standards. It will have a strong focus on the technical aspects of the data mobilization, in particular everything related to the data lifecycle: digitization, management and online publishing. Participants will also consider the social aspects of these processes.

    The workshop is comprised of blended learning, starting with online preparatory activities through an e-learning portal followed by on-site training in a classroom with the trainees in Samoa. The course concludes with online follow-up activities, and trainees who successfully complete the course and follow-up activities will receive online badges.

    The regional meeting will begin after lunch on Thursday, July 27 at 1:30 pm, continue through Friday and include introductions to both GBIF and the BID programme. Project leads will share 10-minute presentations on their BID-funded projects. This discussion will include strategies for improving access to biodiversity data in the Pacific region and how best to collaborate with other networks like BIOPAMA.

    This programme is funded by the European Union.

    Venue: SPREP Headquarters
    Country or area: enums.topics.WS