
    BID Caribbean Training Workshop and Regional Meeting

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    Following the selection of new projects established in the Caribbean, a regional meeting was held on 22-23 June 2017 at the University of West Indies, St. Augustine campus, Trinidad and Tobago. The meeting is part of the Biodiversity Information for Development (BID) programme, managed by GBIF with funding from the European Union.  The aim of this programme is to build capacity to mobilize and access species-level biodiversity data relating to priority policy needs in the ‘ACP’ nations of Africa, the Caribbean and Pacific.

    One of the important aims of regional meetings under the BID programme is to enable the countries involved to agree on targets for biodiversity data mobilization, the main capacity needs and the governance for collaborations. Thus, participants in the regional meeting includes leaders of the national and regional BID projects in the Caribbean, government representatives including CBD focal points and invitees from associated regional networks including the BIOPAMA programme and GBIF’s national nodes in Latin America.

    The regional meeting was held alongside a four-day Capacity Enhancement training workshop for nominees from selected projects for funding through the BID programme, the aim hereby being to address technical capacity needs for successful implementation of the projects. The workshop was comprised of blended learning, starting with online preparatory activities through an e-learning portal followed by on-site training in a classroom with the trainees in Trinidad and Tobago. The course concluded with online follow-up activities, and trainees who successfully completed the course and follow-up activities were awarded with online badges.

