
    BioDATA course on data skills in biodiversity education and research, in Dilijan Armenia

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    Five-day program curriculum on open biodiversity data publishing, including excursion and bioblitz for M.Sc. and Ph.D. students from Armenia.

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    Biodiversity data management skills for students BioDATA is an international higher-education collaboration aimed at developing students' skills in biodiversity data management and data publishing.

    Coordinated by the University of Oslo (host institution of GBIF Norway), BioDATA receives funding from the Norwegian Agency for International Cooperation and Quality Enhancement in Higher Education (DIKU) and support and training materials from the GBIF Secretariat. The programme enables university students in Belarus, Tajikistan, Armenia and Ukraine to participate in intensive training courses that provide practical skills related to international research data infrastructures, international data standards and preparation and publication of biodiversity data (see these and other regional events in the 'Events' tab above)

    Location: Armenian National Agrarian University (ANAU)
    Country or area: enums.topics.AM
    Language: English